Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goals for 2015

I was sitting in my room, listening to the last chapters of Catch-22 (which I've tried to finish for about two years) and I suddenly decided, after reading all the looking-back and goals-for-new-year posts over the last couple of days, that I wanted to list some goals for 2015.

I'm a list person, and I find it easier to keep up with things if I share them or track them. I like updating my Ravelry and Goodreads accounts, both so that I can look back to what I've made and read over the previous year and in order to motivate myself to do those things. Lists are a similar thing, even more so when I make them public — it's like a declaration, giving me motivation when it's hard to find. I hope I can look back at this at the end of 2015 and say that I've achieved what I wanted.


Be braver with my clothing choices
If I like it, I should just wear it. I never used to have a problem with not blending into the masses — why am I so nervous about standing out now? I feel like I've got stuck in my striped tops, skinny jeans and skater skirts. I need to branch out. Also, prints.

Improve my photography 
Or in other words, learn to take photos of yourself. I did a lot of photography when I was younger but self-portraits were never in my repertoire. I'm fairly happy with other things — though I might invest in some lights and something to use as a background, because my cave of a room just isn't cutting it.

Be more productive
This is not just for my blog. My last semester of Uni is starting and I want to make sure that I finish it off with results I can be proud of. End of Uni also means beginning of a new chapter in my life — a job (hopefully)! I've made some great connections in the field I want to work in and I want to continue building on those and improving my chances of securing a graduate job.

Be more active
Like everyone else, I spend too much time staring at my laptop and phone screens. Paired with my studies, which consist of hours spent reading (usually hunched over), I spend far too much time sitting down. I need to get back to exercise (even if the gym is so far away now). I want to take more walks, to dance more and just do more things in general (not restricted to exercise). Particularly while I still have my student discount to use (Scottish Ballet tickets for £11!).

It's ten minutes past midnight now (in Finland), so happy new year! I hope 2015 proves at least as good or even better than 2014 for all of you!

Do you have any New Years resolutions or goals?

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